Selection standard of dust screen
参照现行国家标准关于防尘网性能的规定,对规范全市在建工地场内渣土堆存、建筑垃圾、物料和裸土覆盖用防尘网标准作如下要求:材质为耐老化的聚乙烯(HPPE),网目数不低于2000目/100cm²(密目网针数为四针),推荐使用六针,颜色统一要求州苗木 保定通风管道 丝网立柱模具 尼龙输送带 保定防水 保定空压机 高碑店养老院为绿色。当前市场上可供选择的有普通防尘网和圆丝防尘网,推荐采用圆丝防尘网(重量每平方120克,规格4m*200m不等)。
According to the current national standard on the performance of dust
screen, the following requirements are made for the standard of dust
screen used to regulate the stacking of waste soil, construction waste,
materials and bare soil coverage in the construction site of the city:
the material is aging resistant polyethylene (hPPE), the mesh number is
not less than 2000 mesh / 100cm? 2 (the number of dense mesh is four
needles), six needles are recommended, and the uniform color is green.
At present, there are common dust-proof nets and round wire dust-proof
nets available in the market. It is recommended to use round wire
dust-proof nets (weight 120 g / m2, specification 4m * 200m).